Durian fever!
It's that time of the year again! Durian fever. To celebrate the occasion (like celebrating raya la plak kan?..ahaks..) my officemate decided to officiate it at nearby durian stalls...
This is what I call "DURIAN"..It's a bit reddish (my cam phone didn't justify it)..taste absolutely delicious! Very hard to crack it open but once the gold has been discovered, nothing is more rewarding than THAT!
All the ladies lined up for the occasion. Of course I wasn't it in. I was the one taking the pix.
Along, my officemate in action!
All the boys, squatting down, cracking the durian and having a blast of their time.
Passing the durian..gotong royong la plaks..
That side please...something must have captured their attention.
It was undeniably the best durian feast ever (since the office is paying for it)! It's an appetizer for our family day (which will be held in impiana at end of the week). I really felt appreciated, working so hard and being rewarded like this. Thanks MMC!
This is what I call "DURIAN"..It's a bit reddish (my cam phone didn't justify it)..taste absolutely delicious! Very hard to crack it open but once the gold has been discovered, nothing is more rewarding than THAT!
All the ladies lined up for the occasion. Of course I wasn't it in. I was the one taking the pix.
Along, my officemate in action!
All the boys, squatting down, cracking the durian and having a blast of their time.
Passing the durian..gotong royong la plaks..
That side please...something must have captured their attention.
It was undeniably the best durian feast ever (since the office is paying for it)! It's an appetizer for our family day (which will be held in impiana at end of the week). I really felt appreciated, working so hard and being rewarded like this. Thanks MMC!